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Traveling to Tomorrow

We miss it, traveling...
Packed like sardines, a cheap flight to an exotic/warm destination. Due to corona it is no longer self-evident.
The future of tourism is close to home.
But traveling is much more than just having fun, traveling can be relaxing, educational, life-changing experiences. Meaningful encounters and places contribute to the power of travel.
The book "Travel to Tomorrow", published by Toerisme Vlaanderen, bundles initiatives, insights and trends regarding new forms of sustainable tourism.
We feel super honored that both Anna Pops and AP8_plus apartments are included as inspiring and meaningful places in the context of sustainable tourism. It is very nice that we have contributed to the content of the inspiring publication ' Reizen naar Morgen ', an initiative of Tourism Flanders .

Traveling to Tomorrow is a collection of initiatives, insights and trends regarding new forms of sustainable tourism for all involved. First of all, the person concerned is the traveler or visitor himself, but also the resident, the local entrepreneur and the government. Together they form the soul of the place where the visitor goes. And that place is often very close.

Quality, creativity and encounters are central within Anna Pops, the Repops concept, and Aaltaakmijligt.

After all, Anna Pops is a meeting place for fashion finds in which quality architecture, photography and culture play a special role. These aspects are reflected both online and offline our store architecture, the photo shoots and creative outfits.

In addition, it brings Repops people together who are very concerned with our environment. We (fortunately) have no control over the speed at which children grow. But the answer to this does not lie in the mass purchase of clothing items that have a major impact on the environment due to their production, transport and limited lifespan. That is why we are working on a place for high-quality recovered clothing within our Repops initiative.

Finally Aalstmijst a collaboration between local passionate retailers where a personalized offer is central. We make this visible to every visitor to our city using a 'city map'. The route takes you past stylish and personal items that are typical of our location and provides both visitors and residents with an inspiring shopping experience. This has been a hit for many editions!

Curious? Discover the book here .