Soft brush

Clean the shoes regularly to remove dirt and stains. Use a soft brush or damp cloth to gently wipe away the dirt.

Use the mousse to remove stubborn stains.

Buy a brush

Clean & Care mousse

Dry clean the suede and nubuck shoes with the cleaner stick . You can really rub the leather where the spots are.

With sneakers there is usually nubuck on the tops or back of the shoe. That is where you use the cleaner stick .

Then wet clean with clean & care foam for stubborn stains.

Pump the foam onto a white microfiber cloth or soft brush . Rub the dirt off the shoe and let the shoe dry before treating it further with a care product.

Purchase mousse and cleaner

Sole cleaner

Do you have sneakers or ankle boots with a white or beige sole that has black stripes? Then this sole cleaner is the solution.

Very easy to use. Apply the Midsole Cleaner to the edge of the sole with a clean microfiber cloth .

Buy sole cleaner

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Babies and toddlers

Several buggies can be parked in the baby department. You can also clearly experience the different phases your baby or toddler is in.

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There is a calmness in the junior department. Everything is very clean, so the shoes and socks really stand out.

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Teenagers and ladies

The teen and adult section is very spacious and offers a very homely atmosphere.

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